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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Rise atau Raise, Sit atau Set, dan Lie atau Lay

12:09 AM // by Muba // // No comments


DIRECTIONS: In sentences 1, 2, and 3 below, supply the correct forms of sit or set in the blanks provided. In sentences 4, 5, and 6, supply the correct forms of lie or lay. In sentences 7, 8, 9, and 10, supply the correct forms of rise or raise. Then write six sentences of your own, one each using a correct form of sit, set, lie, lay, rise, and raise.

PETUNJUK: Dalam kalimat 1, 2, dan 3 di bawah, sediakanlah bentuk yang benar dari sit atau set di tempat yang telah disediakan. Dalam kalimat 4, 5, dan 6, lengkapilah bentuk yang benar dari lie atau lay. Dalam kalimat 7, 8, 9, dan 10, sediakanlah bentuk yang benar dari rise atau raise. Kemudian tulislah 6 kalimatmu sendiri, masing-masing kalimat menggunakan bentuk yang benar dari sit, set, lie, lay, rise, dan raise.

  1. When I brought the Christmas tree, I ___________ it against the wall first and then ___________ it in the tree stand.
  2. I ___________ down to rest afterward, while deciding where to ___________ the tree while we decorated it.
  3. Having ___________ the tree in front of a window, I ____________ back to rest and look at it.
  4. The ornaments were _____________ where I had ____________ them last year.
  5. The children helped me ____________ the ornaments on the table one at a time, but they didn't ___________ there long.
  6. I ____________ the rest of the decorations out and then ____________ down for a rest before looking for the lights.
  7. My grandfather ____________ early every morning. (present tense)
  8. He had to ___________ three children on his own. (base form)
  9. The sun is ______________ high in the sky. (present participle)
  10. He _______________ his hand before asking a question. (past tense)

Verba intransitif rise berarti to go up, menaik atau get into an upright position, mencapai posisi di atas. Verba kausatif transitif raise berarti to cause something to rise, menyebabkan sesuatu naik. Maknanya telah meluas sepanjang waktu juga berarti, di antara sesuatu yang lain, to lift, menaikkan, to rear, mengasuh, membesarkan (seperti anak-anak atau binatang), atau to grow, menumbuhkan (seperti tanaman).

Verba rise dan raise mengikuti pola dasar yang sama seperti fall dan fell dalam hal verba intransitif bentuknya tak beraturan sedangkan verba kausatif transitif bentuknya beraturan (meski dengan vokal yang berbeda dari verba intransitif yang lain):

Base/present tense:  rise/rises
Past tense:               rose
Past participle:         risen
Present participle:    rising

Base/present tense:  raise/raises
Past tense:               raised
Past participle:         raised
Present participle:    raising


WRONG:        He rose his hand before asking a question.
RIGHT:            He raised his hand before asking a question. (past tense)

WRONG:        Having finished lunch, he raised from the table.
RIGHT:            Having finished lunch, he rose from the table. (past tense)

WRONG:       The sun is raising high in the sky.
RIGHT:           The sun is rising high in the sky. (present participle)

WRONG:       Some questions were risen about taxes.
RIGHT:           Some questions were raised about taxes. (past participle)

WRONG:       My grand father raises early every morning.
RIGHT:           My grand father rises early every morning. (present tense)

WRONG:       Private income has raised steadily for the past decade.
RIGHT:           Private income has risen steadily for the past decade. (past participle)

Verba intransitif sit berarti to be seated, duduk atau to be situated, terletak. verba kausatif transitif set berarti to cause something or someone to sit, menyebabkan sesuatu atau seseorang duduk. Maknanya juga sudah berkembang sepanjang waktu berarti, di antara sesuatu yang lain, to place, menempatkan, arrange, menyusun, atau fix, memastikan.

Verba sit, verba intransitif asli, tak beraturan:
     Base/present tense: sit/sits
     Past tense:              sat
     Past participle:        sat
     Present participle:   sitting

Verba kausatif transitif set adalah satu dari verba yang bersuku kata aneh yang berakhir dalam -t atau -d (seperti hit dan rid) yang menggunakan bentuk yang sama untuk present (bentuk 1), past (bentuk 2), dan past participle (bentuk 3):
     Base/present tense: set/sets
     Past tense:              set
     Past participle:        set
     Present participle:   setting


WRONG:        The old man is setting on the porch.
RIGHT:            The old man is sitting on the porch. (present participle)

WRONG:        The woman sat the groceries on the table.
RIGHT:            The woman set the groceries on the table. (past tense)

WRONG:        Exhausted, the hiker set down to rest.
RIGHT:            Exhausted, the hiker sat down to rest. (past tense)

WRONG:        Please set here if you're tired.
RIGHT:            Please sit here if you're tired. (present tense)

Verba intransitif asli lie berarti to recline, rebahan/merebahkan diri. Maknanya telah berkembang sepanjang waktu berarti spread out, terhampar atau be placed, ditempatkan. verba kausatif transitif lay berarti to cause to lie, karenanya, to place, menempatkan.

Verba lie, verba intransitif asli, tak beraturan:
     Base/present tense: lie/lies
     Past tense:              lay
     Past participle:        lain
     Present participle:   lying

Verba kausatif transitif lay kenyataannya teratur, meski ejaan menyembunyikannya--y final dalam lay berubah ke i ketika diikuti oleh huruf hidup:
     Base/present tense: lay/lays
     Past tense:              laid
     Past participle:        laid
     Present participle:   laying


WRONG:        I always lay down after I eat dinner.
RIGHT:            I always lie down after I eat dinner. (present tense)

WRONG:        He laid down because he had a headache.
RIGHT:            He lay down because he had a headache. (past tense)

WRONG:        The books are laying on the table.
RIGHT:            The books are lying on the table. (present participle)

WRONG:        The teacher lay her books on the table when she entered the room.
RIGHT:            The teacher laid her books on the table when she entered the room. (past tense)

WRONG:       The boys have laid under the trees for hours.
RIGHT:           The boys have lain under the trees for hours. (past participle)


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