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Friday, June 5, 2015

Konstruksi Paralel dan Faulty Parallelism

9:49 PM // by Muba // // No comments

Gunakan bentuk paralel bagi elemen yang digabung dengan coordinating atau correlative conjunction
Coordinating conjunction. Justru penggunaan dengan hati-hati bentuk paralel dapat membantu mengkostruksi kalimat efektif, menggabungkan kalimat yang berturut-turut demi penghematan dan kejelasan, dan memelihara koheren melalui keseluruhan paragraf, ketiadaan parallelism dapat mejauhkan pembaca dan membuat khususnya kalimat yang tidak efektif. Untuk menjaga kalimat agar jelas juga secara gramatika benar, usahakan struktur dua atau lebih elemen yang digabung dalam kalimat meletakkan pola bagi struktur elemen sisanya. Simak contoh berikut:

Mollie enjoys her work as a marketing manager during the day and going to the theater in the evening.

Mollie enjoys working as a marketing manager during the day and going to the theater in the evening.

Correlative conjunction. Correlative conjunction adalah kata sambung yang berpasangan atau bertalian: either ...or, neither... nor, both...and, not...but, not only...but also. Parallelism mengharuskan struktur yang mengikuti bagian kedua dari korelatif sama dengan yang mengikuti bagian pertama.

Ellen not only has been outstanding in her studies but also in athletics.

Ellen has been outstanding not only in her studies but also in athletics.


Revisi kalimat berikut untuk mengungkapkan gagasan-gagasan yang sederajat dalam bentuk paralel.
Revise the following sentences to express coordinate ideas in parallel form
  1. We met Abner Fulton, a brilliant biologist and who is also an excellent pianist.
  2. I like a romantic novel with exciting action and that keeps me guessing.
  3. Popular wisdom holds that young people today read less than previous generations having fewer recreational options and who watched less television.
  4. Children today neither lack choices of entertainment nor pocket money to spend on it.
  5. Why should kids read in their spare time if they can go to video arcades or with computer games available to play?
  6. Still, recent statistics show that purchasing books, borrowing them from libraries, and subscriptions to magazines are increasing rather than on the decline.
  7. Children not only read as much as their parents but also they probably read more.
  8. To get rid of the television, force kids to pick up a newspaper, or playing Scrabble instead of Pac-Man ignores the real issue.
  9. Choices competing for a child's free time and that require little reading have increased dramatically.
  10. Parents can ensure that both children are allowed some time to play as they wish and that they spend time on extracurricular reading as well.
  11. If they read a lot themselves, obviously enjoying it, and having plenty of books, magazines, and newspapers in the house, parents thus encourage their children to read.
  12. By reading and setting an example, parents teach their children books are fun rather than something boring or that requires dreary effort.

    We met Abner Fulton, a brilliant biologist and who is also an excellent pianist.
    We met Abner Fulton, who is a brilliant biologist and who is also an excellent pianist.
    We met Abner Fulton, who is both a brilliant biologist and an excellent pianist.
    I like a romantic novel with exciting action and that keeps me guessing.
    I like a romantic novel that has exciting action and that keeps me guessing.
   Popular wisdom holds that young people today read less than previous generations having fewer recreational options and who watched less television.
   Popular wisdom holds that young people today read less than previous generations who had fewer recreational options and who watched less television.
    Children today neither lack choices of entertainment nor pocket money to spend on it.
    Children today lack neither choices of entertainment nor pocket money to spend on it.
    Why should kids read in their spare time if they can go to video arcades or with computer games available to play?
    Why should kids read in their spare time if they can go to video arcades or play with computer games?
    Still, recent statistics show that purchasing books, borrowing them from libraries, and subscriptions to magazines are increasing rather than on the decline.
    Still, recent statistics show that purchasing books, borrowing them from libraries, and subscriptions to magazines are increasing rather than declining.
   Children not only read as much as their parents but also they probably read more.
   Children read not only as much but also probably more than their parents.
   To get rid of the television, force kids to pick up a newspaper, or playing Scrabble instead of Pac-Man ignores the real issue.
   To get rid of the television, force kids to pick up a newspaper, or to make them play Scrabble instead of Pac-Man ignores the real issue.
    Choices competing for a child's free time and that require little reading have increased dramatically.
    Choices competing for a child's free time and requiring little reading have increased dramatically.
    Choices that compete for a child's free time and require little reading have increased dramatically.
      Parents can ensure that both children are allowed some time to play as they wish and that they spend time on extracurricular reading as well.
     Parents can ensure that children are allowed both time to play as they wish and time to spend on extracurricular reading.
      If they read a lot themselves, obviously enjoying it, and having plenty of books, magazines, and newspapers in the house, parents thus encourage their children to read.
     If they read a lot themselves, obviously enjoying reading, and have a lot of books, magazines, and newspapers around the house, parents thus encourage their children to read.
      By reading and setting an example, parents teach their children books are fun rather than something boring or that requires dreary effort.
      By reading and by setting an example, parents teach their children books are fun rather than something boring or requiring dreary effort.
      By reading and by setting an example, parents teach their children that books are fun rather than something that is boring or requires dreary effort.


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