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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Penggunaan Verba

7:08 AM // by Muba // // No comments

Latihan 1
DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses (  ). The first one is done for you as an example.

PETUNJUK: Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan bentuk yang benar dari verba dalam kurung (  ). Nomor satu dikerjakan untuk Anda sebagai contoh.

1.    Physician Alice Hamilton (know)  is known  today for her research on industrial diseases.
2.    The business school at our university (found) _________________ almost 100 years ago.
3.    For thousands of years, farmers (use) ____________________ scarecrows to protect their crops from hungry birds.
4.    NASA’s space prove New Horizon (fly) ____________________ by the planet Pluto in the year 2015.
5.    Before the late eighteenth century, most textiles (make) ____________________ at home.
6.    Sarah Knight (write) ___________________ a fascinating account of a journey she made from Boston to New York in 1704.
7.    Each of the four types of human tooth (suit) ______________________ to a specific purpose.
8.    Since about 1980, computers and new methods of communication (revolutionize) __________________ office work.

Latihan 2
DIRECTIONS: Decide if the underlined word or phrase in the sentences below is used correctly. If the phrase is used correctly, mark the sentence C. If the sentence is used incorrectly, mark the sentence X and rewrite the underlined expression, correcting the mistake. The first one is done for you as an example. 

PETUNJUK: Putuskan jika kata atau frasa yang digarisbawahi dalam kalimat berikut digunakan dengan benar. Jika frasa digunakan dengan benar, tandai kalimat tersebut C. Jika kalimat tersebut digunakan dengan tidak benar, tandai kalimat tersebut X dan tulis kembali ungkapan yang digarisbawahi, betulkan kesalahan tersebut. Nomor satu dikerjakan untuk Anda sebagai contoh.

_____  1.  Cans of paint must be shaking before use to mix pigments with the medium in which they are suspended.   shaken
_____ 2. Each of the Ice Ages were more than a million years long. ___________
_____ 3. The white pine is the most commercially important forest tree in North America until the beginning of the twentieth century. ________________
_____ 4. The first bicycle race on record in the United States taken place in 1883. __________
_____ 5. Teeth are covered with a hard substance called enamel. ________________________
_____ 6. When scientists search a site for fossils, they begin by examining places where the soil has wore away from the rock. _____________________
_____ 7. The first seven American astronauts were chose in 1959. _____________________
_____ 8. Medical students must to study both the theory and practice of medicine. __________
_____ 9. Ethics is the study of moral duties, principles, and values. _______________________
_____ 10. In music, a chord is the sound of two or more notes that are playing together. ______
_____ 11. Every one of the body’s billions of cells requires a constant supply of food and oxygen. _________________
_____ 12. The more or less rhythmic succession of economic booms and busts are referred to as the business cycle. ______________________
_____ 13. In the late nineteenth century, many important theories in both the biological and the physical sciences have been produced. ______________________
_____ 14. Chromium used to make stainless steel. _________________________

belajar bahasa inggris penggunaan verba, grammar bahasa Inggris verba digunakan, artikel bahasa inggris verba penggunaan


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