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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Pelengkap Klausa Subjunctif Bahasa Inggris

5:00 AM // by Muba // , // No comments

 Pelengkap Klausa Subjunctif Bahasa Inggris

LATIHAN: Subjunctive Noun Clauses
Informasi latar: Tiga tahun musim kering telah menyebabkan kelangkaan air yang serius dalam negara fiktif Sunnyland. Sebagai akibatnya, pemerintah Sunnyland mengajukan proposal pembatasan pada penggunaan air. 

Write complex sentences containing subjunctive noun clauses.

Tulis kalimat kompleks yang berisikan klausa nomina subjunctif.

LANGKAH 1: Tulis ulang pertanyaan dalam setiap item sebagai klausa intro.

LANGKAH 2: Tulis ulang pernyataan sebagai klausa nomina subjunctif.

LANGKAH 3: Gabung dua klausa tersebut untuk membuat kalimat baru.


Langkah 1: What did the government order?

                         The government ordered

Langkah 2: Citizens must decrease their water use; they should not waste water.

                 . . . that citizens decrease their water use and that they not waste water

Langkah 3: The government ordered that citizens decrease their water use and                                
 that they not waste water.

1.  What did the government demand?

     Each family must reduce its water use by 40 percent.


Langkah 1: What did the government demand?

                         The government demanded

Langkah 2: Each family must reduce its water use by 40 percent.

                         . . . that each family reduce its water use by 40 percent

Langkah 3: The government demanded that each family reduce its water use by 40 percent.
2.  What is necessary?

     All citizens must comply with the new restrictions.


Langkah 1: What is necessary?

                         It is necessary

Langkah 2: All citizens must comply with the new restrictions.

                         . . . that all citizens comply with the new restrictions. [comply with = obey]

Langkah 3: It is necessary that all citizens comply with the new restrictions.

3. What did the government propose for city-dwellers?     

Everyone must take five-minute showers.


Langkah 1: What did the government propose for city-dwellers?

              The government proposed for city-dwellers

Langkah 2: Everyone must take five-minute showers.

                         . . . that everyone take five-minute showers.

Langkah 3: The government proposed for city-dwellers that everyone take                          
five-minute showers.
4.  What is advisable?

     People should conserve water whenever possible.


Langkah 1: What is advisable?

                         It is advisable

Langkah 2: People should conserve water whenever possible.

                         . . . that people conserve water whenever possible.

Langkah 3: It is advisable that people conserve water whenever possible.

5.  What has been demanded of farmers?

     Farmers should cut their water use by 25 percent.


Langkah 1: What has been demanded of farmers?

                         It has been demanded of farmers

Langkah 2: Farmers should cut their water use by 25 percent.

                         . . . that farmers cut their water use by 25 percent.

Langkah 3: It has been demanded of farmers that they cut their water use                          
by 25 percent. 
6.  What was suggested?

     Every farmer should install a drip irrigation system.


Langkah 1: What was suggested?

                         It was suggested

Langkah 2: Every farmer should install a drip irrigation system.

                         . . . that every farmer install a drip irrigation system.

Langkah 3: It was suggested that every farmer install a drip irrigation system.

7.  What did the government urge?

     People must not use water to wash cars, sidewalks, or streets.


Langkah 1: What did the government urge?

              The government urged

Langkah 2: People must not use water to wash cars, sidewalks, or streets.

                    . . . that people not use water to wash cars, sidewalks, or streets. 

Langkah 3: The government urged that people not use water to wash cars, sidewalks, or                     streets.

8.  What did the committee propose?

     A lawyer should be consulted regarding their legal rights.


Langkah 1: What did the committee propose?

                         The committee proposed

Langkah 2: A lawyer should be consulted regarding their legal rights.

                         . . . that a lawyer be consulted regarding their legal rights.
Langkah 3: The committee proposed that a lawyer be consulted regarding 
their legal rights.
"Good writing in English requires the ability to write good sentences and to organize them logically into paragraphs and essays." 
Happy doing! 



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