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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Verba Diikuti baik Infinitif atau Gerund

12:18 AM // by Muba // // No comments

Beberapa verba dapat diikuti oleh baik infinitif atau pun gerund, kadang-kadang maknanya tidak berbeda dan kadang-kadang maknanya berbeda.


Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses
Lengakpilah masing-masing kalimat dengan bentuk verba yang benar dalam kurung.

  1. I always remember (turn)     to turn    off all the lights before I leave my house.
  2. I remember (play) ________________ with dolls when I was a child.
  3. What do you remember (do) _______________ when you were a child?
  4. What do you remember (do) _______________ before you leave for class every day?
  5. What did you forget (do) _______________ before you left for class this morning?
  6. I won't ever forget (watch) _______________ our team score the winning goal in the last seconds of the championship game.
  7. Don't forget (do) __________________ your homework tonight.
  8. Please stop (bite) __________________ your fingernails.
  9. I stopped (get) ___________________ gas yesterday and was shocked at the high price.
  10. I stopped (drive) ___________________ so much because of the high price of gas.
  11. Maria loves (swim) _________________ in the ocean.
  12. After a brief interruption, the professor continued (lecture) ________________ .
  13. I hate (see) ________________ any living being suffer. I can't bear (watch) _______________ news reports of children who are starving. I can't stand (read) ______________ about animals that have been cruelly abused by people.
  14. I'm afraid of flying. When a plane begins (move) __________________ down the runway, my heart is starting (race) ___________________ .
  15. When I travel, I prefer (drive) _____________________ to (take) _________________ a plane.
  16. I prefer (drive) ___________________ rather than (take) ___________________ a plane.
  17. I regret (inform) ________________ you that your loan application has not been approved.
  18. I regret (listen, not) _______________ to my father's advice. He was right.
  19. When a student asks a question, the teacher always tries (explain) _________________ the problem as clearly as possible.
  20. I tried everything, but the baby still wouldn't stop (cry) __________________ . I tried (hold) _______________ him, but that didn't help. I tried (feed) __________________ him, but he refused the food and continued (cry) __________________ . I tried (burp) _______________ him. I tried (change) ________________ his diaper. Nothing worked. The baby wouldn't stop crying.
belajar bahasa inggris verba diikuti baik infinitif atau gerund, grammar bahasa inggris verba diikuti infinitif, artikel bahasa inggris verba diikuti gerund

Kunci jawaban
  1. .......
  2. playing
  3. doing
  4. to do
  5. to do
  6. watching
  7. to do
  8. biting
  9. to get
  10. driving
  11. swimming/ to swim
  12. lecturing/ to lecture
  13. seeing/ to see . . . watching/ to watch . . . reading/ to read
  14. moving/ to move . . . racing/ to race . . . to move . . . to race
  15. driving . . . taking
  16. to drive . . . (to) take
  17. to inform
  18. not listening
  19. to explain
  20. crying ... holding . . . feeding . . . crying/ to cry . . . burping . . , changing


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