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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Fragmen Kalimat

11:06 PM // by Muba // // No comments

Para siswa menulis fragmen karena mereka gagal mengikutsetakan verba utama atau karena mereka tidak menyadari bahwa bangunan tertentu adalah subordinasi dan karenanya tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat tanpa memiliki klausa utama yang terkait yang digabungkan dengannya. Jenis fragmen yang paling umum dalam tulisan siswa adalah frasa partisipial yang ditandai sebagai kalimat, appositif ditandai sebagai kalimat, dan klausa dependen, khususnya yang berawal dengan because atau although, yang ditandai sebagai kalimat. Being, sebuah partisipel, nampak seperti sebuah verba tetapi bukan; oleh sebab itu, siswa sering menulis frasa partisipial yang mulai dengan being dan menandai frasa itu sebagai sebuah kalimat. Membedakan perbedaan antara bentuk progresif dari verba be, being, dan partisipel being akan membantu siswa menghindari jenis fragmen yang umum ini.

Menjadi akrab dengan daftar konjungsi subordinasi dan pronomina relatif akan membantu para siswa mengenali sekelompok kata yang tidak dapat ditandai sebagai sebuah kalimat. Sekali para siswa mengenali fragmen, membetulkannya relatif mudah, karena sebagian besar fragmen terkait dengan kalimat yang mendahului atau mengikutinya. Sementara itu, guru akan menemui siswa yang ingin menulis fragmen untuk efek stylistik atau retorika; meskipun para siswa mungkin menghadapi fragmen kalimat dalam membaca majalah dan novel setiap hari, yang terbaik mengingatkan mereka bahwa penulis yang tidak berpengalaman sebaiknya menghindari fragmen semacam ini.


In the following sentences, eliminate fragments by combining them with a main clause or making the fragments into complete sentences.

Dalam kalimat berikut, hilangkan fragmen dengan menggabungkannya dengan klausa utama atau menjadikan fragmen ke dalam kalimat yang lengkap.

1. In October of 1933, President Roosevelt signed a bill authorizing construction of a dam. On the Missouri River at Fort Peck, Montana.
2. On the twenty-third day of the month, seventy men began work. Eventually ten thousand on the cold prairie.
3. The chance at construction jobs drew thousands of men to Fort Peck. Who were unemployed or who had lost their farms and business.
4. Skilled laborers like carpenters or equipment operators were paid $1.20 an hour. Common laborers 50 sen an hour.
5. Even with those wages. The dam at Fort Peck cost $173 million.
6. People stood in line for the chance to earn 50 sen an hour. For every worker, ten more hoping to be hired.
7. Four separate towns sprang up around the dam site. With tents and even packing crates and huts made of scrap lumber.
8. The shanty towns had beer halls, dance halls, and cowboys shooting in saloons. Just like Wild West mining camps.
9. The working conditions were brutal. Summer temperatures well over 100 degrees, winter temperatures reaching 62 degrees below zero.
10. All the equipments ran 24 hours a day. A way to keep the engines from freezing.
11. The concrete had to be heated before it could be poured. And stoves and open fires for the workers.
12. Each bed in the bachelor quarters was shared by three men. Who slept on the bed in 8-hour shifts.
13. Eight workers were killed. When eight million cubic yards of fill dirt slid from beneath a whole section of the dam.
14. Four years after work began, the river was routed through the spillway. A 134-squares-mile lake forming.
15. In 1943, the first powerhouse was finished. And began providing electrical power for all of Montana.


In the following paragraph, eliminate fragments by combining them with a main clause or making the fragments into complete sentences.

Dalam paragraf berikut, hilangkan fragmen dengan menggabungkannya dengan klausa utama atau menjadikan fragmen ke dalam kalimat yang lengkap.

        For centuries, people assumed that newborn babies had very limited mental abilities. Barely able to focus on new slights or sounds. Philosophers like John Locke claimed that infants' minds were completely blank. Slates upon which the world made impressions. William James assumed that infants were overwhelmed by the data produced by their senses. In the middle of this century medical authorities thought that babies could not respond to sounds or focus their eyes. Assuming that since these abilities were limited a baby probably had no consciousness. In any way comparable to that of adult. It is not surprising that any parents who spend time interacting with an infant might decide that their baby is more intelligent than the average baby. Particularly if the scientific view of the average baby's intelligence is so limited. The scientific view of babies is changing rapidly. Because of the results from  recent research. In fact, newborn babies have 20/500 vision, but sight develops very quickly. Infants also have a sense of taste, preferring sweet to sour. Even when they are so young that they have previously never experienced taste. The sense of smell is equally intense. Babies love the smell of fruit. And hate the smell of rotten eggs or shrimp. It has been proven, with studies of related movements, that babies can hear even before birth. Most importantly, researchers have found that babies not only are able to think. But that they think continually. Babies only a few days old mimic the facial movements of adults. If a child is prevented from mimicking the movements immediately. The child remembers the movement until able to perform it later. More startling is the fact that babies can distinguish objects they have touched before. In addition, lip movements making a sound they are learning. That may put to rest once and for all the idea that babies are unthinking and unfeeling.

Kunci Jawaban


Answers may vary, but the following sentences are representative of effective ways of eliminating fragments.
Jawaban mungkin bervariasi, tetapi kalimat berikut mewakili cara-cara yang efektif mengeliminasi fragmen.

1. In October of 1933, President Roosevelt signed a bill authorizing construction of a dam on the Missouri River at Fort Peck, Montana.
2. On the twenty-third day of the month, seventy men began work. Eventually there were ten thousand on the cold prairie.
3. The chance at construction jobs drew thousands of men who were unemployed or who had lost their farms and business to Fort Peck. OR Thousands of men who were unemployed or who had lost their farms and business were drawn to Fort Peck by the chance at construction jobs.
4. Skilled laborers like carpenters or equipment operators were paid $1.20 an hour, common laborers 50 sen an hour.
5. Even with those wages, the dam at Fort Peck cost $173 million.
6. People stood in line for the chance to earn 50 sen an hour. For every worker who got a job, ten more hoping to be hired.
7. Four separate towns, consisting of tents and even packing crates and huts made of scrap lumber, sprang up around the dam site. OR Four separate towns sprang up around the dam sites. The towns consisted of tents and even packing crates and huts made of scrap lumber. 
8. Just like Wild West mining camps, the shanty towns had beer halls, dance halls, and cowboys shooting in saloons. Just like Wild West mining camps. OR The shanty towns had beer halls, dance halls, and cowboys shooting in saloons, just like Wild West mining camps.
9. The working conditions were brutal, with summer temperatures well over 100 degrees and winter temperatures reaching 62 degrees below zero.
10. As a way to keep the engines from freezing, all the equipments ran 24 hours a day.
11. The concrete had to be heated before it could be poured. Stoves and open fires had to be provided for the workers.
12. Each bed in the bachelor quarters was shared by three men who slept on the bed in 8-hour shifts.
13. Eight workers were killed when eight million cubic yards of fill dirt slid from beneath a whole section of the dam.
14. Four years after work began, the river was routed through the spillway, forming a 134-squares-mile lake forming.
15. In 1943, the first powerhouse was finished and began providing electrical power for all of Montana.


Revised paragraphs will vary for this exercise, but the following is a representative example.
Paragraf yang direvisi akan bermacam-macam untuk latihan ini, tetapi berikut adalah contoh yang mewakili.

        For centuries, people assumed that newborn babies had very limited mental abilities and were barely able to focus on new slights or sounds. Philosophers like John Locke claimed that infants' minds were completely blank like slates upon which the world made impressions. William James assumed that infants were overwhelmed by the data produced by their senses. In the middle of this century medical authorities thought that babies could not respond to sounds or focus their eyes. These authorities assumed that since these abilities were limited, a baby probably had no consciousness in any way comparable to that of adult. It is not surprising that any parents who spend time interacting with an infant might decide that their baby is more intelligent than the average baby, particularly if the scientific view of the average baby's intelligence is so limited. Because of the results from  recent research, the scientific view of babies is changing rapidly.  In fact, newborn babies have 20/500 vision, but sight develops very quickly. Infants also have a sense of taste, preferring sweet to sour, even when they are so young that they have previously never experienced taste. The sense of smell is equally intense. Babies love the smell of fruit, and hate the smell of rotten eggs or shrimp. It has been proven, with studies of related movements, that babies can hear even before birth. Most importantly, researchers have found that babies not only are able to think but that they think continually. Babies only a few days old mimic the facial movements of adults. If a child is prevented from mimicking the movements immediately, the child remembers the movement until able to perform it later. More startling is the fact that babies can distinguish objects they have touched before. In addition, they can mimic lip movements making a sound they are learning, a phenomenon that may put to rest once and for all the idea that babies are unthinking and unfeeling.


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