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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Bentuk Kosakata

11:16 PM // by Muba // // No comments

Latihan berikut berhubungan dengan pembentukan kosakata. Selamat mengerjakan!

·         Choose the best answer by crossing the letter A, B, C, or D !
·         Pilih salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan cara menyilang huruf A, B, C, atau D !

1.      Below, there are four words. Which one consists of only a single morpheme?
A.      teacher                                         
B.      displays
C.      irrational
D.     Pennsylvania                                
2.      The example of free morpheme is . . .
A.      –s in the word books                                
B.      –ed in the word studied
C.      –ish in the word boyish
D.     boy in the phrase boy friend                                
3.      The following word that is NOT built from Latin root visus (= see) is . . .
A.      vision                    
B.      visual
C.      seek
D.     visualize                           
4.      The word blackbirds consists of . . .
A.      more than three morphemes                              
B.      one free and one bound morpheme
C.      two free and one bound morpheme
D.     two free morphemes                               
5.      The additional of –ing to the verb watch in “I am watching television,” will change its part of speech into . . .
A.      adjective                                      
B.      watch remains a verb after the –ing has been added
C.      noun
D.     watch remains a verb but the action is an ongoing one                         
6.       In the word shortened, we can find the bound morphemes. How many bound morphemes we can count it?
A.      one bound morpheme
B.      two bound morphemes
C.      more than two bound morphemes
D.    no bound morpheme
7.      The following word that is built from Latin root annus (= year) is . . .
A.      annex
B.      announce
C.      annual
D.     annoy                                                       
8.      The prefix un- has the meaning of NOT. Look at the sentence “That is simply untrue.” What part of speech is the resulting word after the prefix un- is attached to the word true? (true > untrue)
A.      adjective
B.      noun
C.      verb
D.     adverb                              
9.      The following word that is built from Greek root chronos (= time) is . . .
A.      chrome
B.      chronic
C.      chromosome
D.     chronological                   
10.  Look at the sentence “We have to shorten the conversation.” What part of speech is the resulting word after the suffix –en is attached to the word short? (short à shorten)
A.      adjective
B.      noun
C.      verb
D.     adverb                              
11.  The gardener poured water on the plants. àHe watered the plants. The word water has converted to another part of speech without changing the form of the word.  What kind of change is it?
A.      verb becoming noun                                
B.      adjective becoming verb
C.      noun becoming verb
D.     adjective becoming noun
12.  There is one word below that has a meaning NOT related to prefix pre- (= before). Please find and choose it!
A.      preview
B.      pretty
C.      precaution
D.     prehistoric
13.  In the following words, there is one word that has a meaning NOT related to prefix re- (= again). Please find and choose it!                             
A.      rebuild
B.      rearm
C.      relocate
D.     reason                                          
14.  The supervisor of the factory expects all the employees to arrive on time every morning.
Word:  supervisor                   Parts:  super + vis + or           Part of speech: ________ ?
A.      noun                                             
B.      adjective
C.      adverb
D.     verb                                              
15.  It was necessary to revise the plan numerous times before everyone could agree.
Word:  numerous                    Parts:  number + ous              Part of speech: ________ ?
A.    noun
B.     adjective
C.     adverb
D.    verb
16.  There is one word below that has a meaning NOT related to prefix post- (= after, behind). Please find and choose it!
A.      postnatal
B.      poster
C.      postmodernism
D.     postpone
17.  In the following words, there is one word that has a meaning NOT related to prefix prime- (= first). Please find and choose it!
A.      primetime
B.      primer
C.      primary
D.     primacy
18.  The magic show included a woman who claimed she could perform mental telepathy.
Word:  telepathy                     Parts:  tele + path + y              Part of speech: _______ ?
A.      noun
B.      adjective
C.      adverb
D.     verb
19.  In any language it is possible to generate an endless number of new sentences.
Word:  generate                     Parts:  general + ate               Part of speech: _______ ?
A.      noun
B.      adjective
C.      adverb
D.     verb
20.  The young Swiss tennis player has demonstrated his total dominance of the game by winning ten major tournaments.
Word:  dominance                  Parts:  dominant + ance          Part of speech: _______ ?
A.      noun
B.      adjective
C.      adverb
D.     verb
21.  Manual workers with no special training are unlikely to find a job that pays well.
Word:  manual                        Root:  manus (= hand)                        Part of speech: _______ ?
A.      noun
B.      adjective
C.      adverb
D.     verb
22.   If you reverse the flow of water in the experiment, you will get the opposite results as well.
Word:  reverse                                    Root: versum (= turn)             Part of speech: _______ ?
A.      noun
B.      adjective
C.      adverb
D.     verb
23.  It was difficult to predict whether the injury would result in death.
Word:  predict                         Root:  dictus (= say, speak)     Part of speech: _______ ?
A.      noun
B.      adjective
C.      adverb
D.     verb
24.  When James Joyce published his novel Ulysses, many critics did not appreciate the unconventional style of his writing.
Word:  unconventional           Parts:  un + convention + al    Part of speech: _______ ?
A.      noun
B.      adjective
C.      adverb
D.     verb
25.  The firefighters acted heroically to save as many people as possible.
Word:  heroically                    Parts:  heroic + al + ly             Part of speech: _______ ?
A.      noun
B.      adjective
C.      adverb
D.     verb
26.  Some European clocks are synchronized by satellite with a clock in Frankfurt, Germany.
Word:  synchronized               Parts:  synchron + ize + ed      Part of speech: _______ ?
A.      noun
B.      adjective
C.      adverb
D.     verb
27.  There is one word below that has a meaning NOT related to prefix bi- (= two). Please find and choose it!
A.      bicycle
B.      biology
C.      biannual
D.     binoculars
28.  In the following words, there is one word that has a meaning NOT related to prefix uni- (= one). Please find and choose it!
A.      unique
B.      uniform
C.      unimportant
D.     universe
29.  In the following words, there is one word that has a meaning NOT related to prefix ex- (= out, from). Please find and choose it!
A.      exhale
B.      export
C.      exile
D.     exercise
30.  He put butter on his bread à He buttered his bread
[butter (N) à butter (V)]
He poured water on the plants à He watered the plants
[water (N) à water (V)]
You must study hard à Good binoculars are a must for any serious birdwatcher
[must (Aux) à must (N)]
The English word formation processes like these are called . . .
A.      acronym
B.      borrowing
C.      conversion
D.   compounding


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